First release

Big Number Calculator application.

Download .zip Download .tar.gz

I’m glad to announce that first version of Big Number Calculator (Calcum) is available for public


Here you can find an installer for windows: link

Available features

  • Simple spreadsheet-like view of a single document:
    • Expandable 2-dimensional table of cells
  • Each cell can contain integral number, text or formula, hexademical number format is supported
  • Very big numbers are supported, with mantissa up to ~ 19 decimal digits
  • Formulas support basic arithmetic operations: + - * / %. There is also support for bit shifts: << and >>
  • Text concatenates with +
  • Formulas can use custom fuctions which can be defined separately as a simple text
    • Predefined functions are available (mostly for string/character and list processing)
  • Basic cells editing, row and columns insetion preserving correct order
  • Copy/cut/paste operations of cell regions inside application
    • Data export to antoher applications through clipboard as CSV values
  • Auto filling on region expansion
    • Convenient filling with Ctrl button pressed
    • Support for non-contigous multiple regions (with some restrictions)
  • Whole table recalculation on cell value change
  • Opening of file in CSV format is supported
  • Saving files in CSV format


Hope this app would be usefull for you. Enjoy.